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Is Alternative Energy for you?

There are many reasons for choosing alternative energy products. The four main reasons are:

  • No access to the electrical grid
    • Most residences have been hooked up to the electrical grid for a very long time. However, many new residences that are located in the rural areas that do not have a close Hydro source find that the power companies are no longer willing to pay the cost of running lines to their property. These people have two choices either to pay the outrageous cost of bringing Hydro to them or looking at alternative energy options.turbine2
  • Desire for energy independence or a back-up system for black-outs
    • Many people do not like the idea of being at the mercy of the Hydro monopolies. Alternative energy can provide the needed flexibility and dependability when the power companies fail to deliver (ice storm of 1998, black-out of Eastern Seaboard in 2003, et cetera). Brown-outs are expected to become a familiar occurrence in Ontario as demand begins to outstrip electrical supply.
  • Reduce monthly energy costs
    • Ontario and Quebec currently have some of the cheapest electrical rates in the world. However, the price of electricity will continue to rise as the supply for power becomes more expensive. For those who have the capital money to invest upfront in alternative energy the reward can be significant in monthly savings.
  • To help the environment
    • Ontario hydro generates its power from several sources as follows: 27% nuclear, 43% fossil fuels, and 30% by hydro. The environment impact is created by green house gases being released (Carbon Dioxide CO2, Nitric Oxide NOx, and Sulphur Dioxide SO2), dealing with nuclear waste, and site decommissioning. By using alternative energy, the environment is spared some of the damage because of the reduced demand on the main stream power sources.

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